This Is Why The Duggar Family Can't Stand Each Other
Aug 24 2020
All families argue and the Duggar clan is no exception. While you might not see their feuds play out on the family's popular reality shows, TLC's famous brood is a magnet for scandal. Here are the Duggars who are stirring the pot.

TLC officially cut ties with Jill's husband, Derick, in 2017 after he tweeted transphobic comments about fellow network personality Jazz Jennings. But years later, Derick revealed his exit from Counting On was more layered than previously thought.

In a December 2019 Twitter thread, Derick implied that patriarch Jim Bob Duggar quote, "negotiated" contract terms on behalf of the entire Duggar family, in secret. He also alleged that he and Jill were not compensated for allowing the network to film their son's birth. Later that month, Derick elaborated on the claims in a Q&A on Instagram. He wrote in a comment,

"For a long time, Jill and I were under the impression that the family didn't make money from the show. Rather, it was presented to us…as a ministry that TLC periodically subsidized in the form of reimbursements for things like gas, restaurants [and] travel…But not any actual pay on top of that."

He also implied that Jim Bob pulled all of the strings behind-the-scenes, and said that he and Jill only participated due to threats of a quote "lawsuit from the family [and] TLC." Back on Twitter, Derick claimed,

"The conditions we were filming under took us to the brink of sanity and could have easily destroyed our lives."

Watch the video to see Why The Duggar Family Can't Stand Each Other.

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