Why Everyone Is Talking About Donald Trump Jr.'s Watery Eyes
Aug 26 2020
Donald Trump Jr. took the virtual stage during the first night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 25, 2020, and the internet was abuzz after his speech. Not due to his passionate argument for re-electing his father on Nov. 3 or his many criticisms of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In fact, few people seemed to comment that he referred to the former Vice President as the "Loch Ness Monster of the swamp." No, the masses apparently only wanted to talk about how watery Don Jr.'s eyes looked during the speech.

Don Jr. is usually the one dishing out insults on his meme-filled Twitter and Instagram pages but by delivering a very high profile speech with misty peepers, he quickly became the subject of the internet's wrath.

One Twitter user wrote:

"What is wrong with Donald Trump Jr's eyes? I have no idea what he is saying because I can't stop staring at his eyes."

Some media outlets speculated about Don Jr.'s glassy-eyed gaze. Was it allergies? Or, as some late night hosts joked...something more illicit?

"Either he's high or that's what happens when you live in the splash zone of screaming Guilfoyle."

Late night hosts aren't the only celebrities talking about Don Jr.'s slick appearance at the RNC. Some well-known performers decided to comment after witnessing the speech. Emmy, Tony, and Grammy Award-winning performer Bette Midler stepped up to the plate to deliver a zinger...

"Donald Trump Jr. looks like he's been crying. Did Kimberly G. yell at him?"

Watch this video for more on why everyone is talking about Donald Trump Jr.'s watery eyes!


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