I'm 10 Years Old And Only 2.5ft Tall | BORN DIFFERENT
Aug 31 2020
10-YEAR-OLD Jacob Walker from Virginia stands at only 2.5ft tall - which makes him one of the smallest boys in the world. Jacob was born with a rare form of dwarfism called; Opsismodysplasia, which affects less than one in a million children. This uncommon genetic disorder involves delayed bone maturation, which means that Jacob at 10 years old, is the size of an average one-and-a-half-year-old boy. At the time of his birth, the young boy’s parents were told his life expectancy would be around four to five years of age, and that he would never be able to walk. But Jacob, the eldest of three kids, has so far defied all the odds; he’s an avid dancer with big dreams of becoming a famous actor one day. Jacob’s parents have been documenting their son’s life on social media, where he has since grown a big following. With his dance routines and motivational videos, Jacob has become an inspiration to other kids facing challenges. As Jacob likes to point out; “It doesn’t matter if you’re big or small, your size is your size, everyone is special in their own way."

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