I Would Have Died At 30 - Before I Lost 200lbs | BRAND NEW ME
Sep 04 2020
AT 354lbs, Kristen Bobo lived to eat. She had struggled with her weight from a young age but after losing her mother at the age of 13, food became a source of comfort. Kristen, of Wisconsin, described herself as a hermit, convinced she would not make it to 30. However, at the age of 25, Kristen had a ‘light bulb moment’ and decided that if she could cause herself to become overweight, she could get herself to a healthy weight. Ditching fast food and joining a gym have been transformative for Kristen. She lost 200lbs and found her confidence. Kristen told Truly: “In my opinion I look awesome. And nobody can tell me different no matter what, because I worked really hard for this.”

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