People Think I'm A Circus Freak | MIAMI MUSCLE
Sep 06 2020
MIAMI based architect Caridad Sola has transformed her body from bikini model to professional bodybuilder. The 40-year-old started training in 2013 and has recently gained her IFBB Pro card, becoming a professional bodybuilder. Whilst at university Caridad was told she would never look like the women in fitness magazines, a decade later she proved the opposite, competing as a bikini model. However, her journey had only just begun, becoming more and more muscular, she explains bodybuilding slowly transformed every part of her body. Where Caridad would get a lot of positive reactions when she first started working out, these days she also receives a lot of negative comments. She told Truly: “Bodybuilding challenges people’s perceptions of beauty, you get looked at like you’re a circus freak.” Yet, the hard work and discipline that goes into becoming a professional bodybuilder, makes it undeniable that Caridad is setting her fitness goals for no one, but herself. “Some people would say they prefer the way I looked before, I honestly don’t care what they think, I am doing this for myself, and no one else," Caridad added.

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