Chelsea Handler Opens Up About Her Fitness At 45
Oct 27 2020
Chelsea Handler is feeling more confident in her skin than ever at 45. "I finally have the body I wanted to have in my 20s that I spent years obsessing about … I'm strong and fit and not embarrassed to be naked anymore, and I don't care about my imperfections. I don't care if I have a little cellulite here or there," she told Access Hollywood's Sibley Scoles. The comedian also opened up about her new HBO Max special, "Evolution," during which she jokes about having the hots for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo! Chelsea said that she has spoken to the politician, but no progress has been made in the romance department. "We're not dating, though I was open to that or I am open to that, I should say," she teased. "Evolution" is streaming now on HBO Max.

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