The Amazing Life Of Serena Williams
Dec 02 2020
Serena Williams is one of the greats. For Serena, her journey to greatness is filled with hardship and criticism. People try to bring her down because she’s unabashedly herself. She is not afraid to use her voice to stand up for her beliefs, actively encouraging young girls to chase after their dreams. Serena Williams is not only a champion of the courts but a champion for equality. She’s said, "The day I stop fighting for equality and for people that look like you and me will be the day I'm in my grave.”

Over the last decades, Serena Williams has become an icon of resilience, strength and beauty. She has won 23 major single titles, the most ever by any man or woman. She was ranked No. 1 on eight separate occasions between 2002-2017, with 39 Grand Slam titles, Williams holds the record for the most titles in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles amongst all active tennis players combined. She is a four-time Olympic gold medalist. Even with her accomplishments, critics were quick to dismiss her being the greatest tennis player. In fact, that’s been the narrative throughout her professional career. Skeptics were always willing to bring her down. But no matter what they nitpick about her, Serena does not let it get in her way of achieving greatness on and off the court.

Written by: Maria L.

Narrated by: Carmen S.

Edited by: Steven Suñe

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