Real-Life Rapunzel Has 5ft 2" Long Hair | HOOKED ON THE LOOK
Dec 15 2020
KNOWN as the “real life Rapunzel” everywhere she goes, 34-year-old Malgorzata Kulczyk’s hair measures an incredible 5ft 2" in length. Born in Poland, Malgorzata is currently a student in London and is the only one in her family to have such long hair. Malgorzata told Truly: “There is nobody in my family with such long hair. I had long hair from when I was seven years old and I started growing my hair when it was knee length." Malgorzata posted images of her long hair on Instagram and was surprised by people’s reactions. And when out in public, people stare at her but don’t give Malgorzata any hate. She said: “I meet people on the street and they comment - but mostly nice comments!"

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