The Girl Who Is Turning To Stone | BORN DIFFERENT
Dec 16 2020
NINE-YEAR-OLD Rajeshwari from Chhattisgarh, India was born with a very rare condition that causes extreme stone-like blisters to form all over her body. No doctor has been able to treat Rajeshwari's condition or even properly diagnose her in the past - leaving her family without answers. The young girl's condition leaves her in constant pain, with very limited mobility. Although her skin condition isn't contagious, other parents in her village won't let their children play with her. But Rajeshwari has finally been able to get a specialist visit at the local district hospital, and has been diagnosed with a severe form of the incredibly rare condition Ichthyosis Hystrix. Although there is no cure for her condition, she is finally able to receive the treatment that her family hopes will alleviate some of the symptoms.

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