P246582 TotallyGame QuadAmputeePlaysWarzoneWithHisMouth YouTube
Dec 16 2020
HAVING no hands or legs hasn’t stopped one devoted gamer from becoming an assassin on Call of Duty Warzone. Jackson Reece became a paraplegic after a motorcycle accident in 2007, before losing his lower limbs and hands to Sepsis in 2017, and now plays video games with his mouth using special equipment. Known online as ‘PitbullReece’, the 34-year-old streams his exploits on the popular Battle Royale where he manages to easily beat able-bodied players from match to match. Jackson, of North Carolina, told Truly: “I feel like I'm better than a lot of players that do play with their hands. Some call it a competitive edge, the way I can move and everything. But you've got all your fingers, so who’s the better player?”

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