I've Perfected My Butt - Now For My Abs | MIAMI MUSCLE
Dec 21 2020
FITNESS influencer and twerk master Starr Hawkins is getting back into the Miami fitness scene. Having spent the summer in the much colder London, UK, Starr has recently returned to the sunny beaches of Miami, Florida. Starr tells Truly: “I had a great time in London, but Miami is home for me.” However, Starr is well aware that out of sight out of mind, means she needs to make sure her long standing fitness network in Miami knows the glute goddess is back in town. Starr explains: “It is so important to network with other fitness trainers and influencers because everybody has their own audience and you’re kind of like mixing those audiences together.” Meeting up with friend and fellow fitness influencer, Vanessa Meija, the two women have plans to create fitness content for social media together. Starr adds: “We are both really big on social media, we use it as a way to promote ourselves and our fitness brands.”

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