Unmasked: The Actor Who Plays Wrench in Watch Dogs | TOTALLY GAME
Dec 23 2020
THE man behind one of the most popular Watch Dogs characters has lifted the lid on his impressive video game acting career. Shawn Baichoo, who has appeared in the Outlast, Rainbow 6, and Assassin’s Creed series has become known as “that guy from all the video games” and is most known for portraying hacker ‘Wrench’ in Watch Dogs 2. The Montreal-based actor will be reprising the fan-favourite role in the upcoming Bloodline DLC for the latest entry in the series – Watch Dogs: Legion. Shawn told Truly: “Wrench is definitely one of the defining performances of my career. I can identify with him, he's a lovable misfit. Wrench is so organically tied to who I am. He’s part of my soul.”

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