Is This Miami's Hottest Couple? | MIAMI MUSCLE
Dec 28 2020
HAVING settled back into Miami life, fitness influencer, Starr Hawkins hasn’t wasted any time in picking up where she left off. Starr has brought back her British husband Cyrus Staryboy, and the Twerk Queen is keen to show off what Miami has to offer - especially all the best workout spots. The couple enjoy a healthy rivalry when it comes to all things fitness, and Starr is keen to show Cyrus that there’s only one “star” in Miami. Cyrus is a pro when it comes to calisthenics, and never one to do things easy, Starr has agreed for him to give her a training session. There’s no-one else that pushes Starr quite like Cyrus, and she’s keen to impress back on home soil.

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