How Lorde Is Changing The World Out Of The Spotlight
Dec 31 2020
Ever since she dropped Pure Heroine back in 2013, the “Royals” singer, Lorde, took the world by storm. Her music undeniably shook up the pop music industry, as the heavy bass in her music, her deep lyrics and impressive vocals was something not yet to be seen in said industry. Not sold yet? She’s also one of the youngest artists to be awarded a Grammy; she was able to claim one of those bad boys at only 17-years-old. Needless to say, Lorde is, without a doubt, a highly accomplished artist.

But beyond the highly acclaimed accolades from a long list of other successful and iconic artists, Lorde had her fair share of struggles as well. She opened up about struggling with her music, feeling the toxicity that can sometimes come with being active on social media and feeling overwhelmed about our planet as well as systemic racism in the US. In 2018, she deleted most of her social media and took a step back from posting anything online. And since then, she’s taken the much needed time away from all the stress to focus on other endeavors.

One of those endeavors was a trip to one of the coldest and iconic places in the world. She traveled to Antarctica to learn about climate change firsthand and to study the science behind it. She’s devoted a lot of her time away from social media to focusing on climate change and other important social issues and we can’t wait to see what’s next for Lorde.

Written by: Shatece Haynes

Narrated by: LanessaVO

Edited by: Steven Suñe

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