Even Rihanna Thought I Was Her Clone | HOOKED ON THE LOOK
Jan 01 2021
PRISCILA Beatrice, 28, from Brazil is an impersonator of superstar Rihanna after classmates and friends started to compare her to the singer in high school back in 2007. Ever since then, Priscila has mastered the look and attitude of Rihanna so well, people cannot see the difference between the two. Priscila told Truly: “When I get out of the car, people say ‘Oh my God, Rihanna!’ And when I’m walking on the street people go 'Wow'!" As a married mother of three kids, Priscila’s family fully support her journey on developing her look. “All my relatives, my mother, my sister, they all support me. They think the way I look is very stylish." It only takes Priscila one hour to create her look, which has gained her 1.5 million followers on TikTok, as well catching the eye of the iconic artist herself after Priscila posted one of her videos on TikTok. "A few minutes later, Rihanna saw it and left a comment, 'Where’s the album, sis?' And my audience started to send me messages, ‘Priscila, Rihanna left a comment on your video'!”

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