Identical Twins Work Their Abs Back Into Shape | MIAMI MUSCLE
Jan 04 2021
CROSSFIT twins Pamela and Paola Del Hierro are keeping fit through healthy sibling rivalry. 43-year-old identical twin sisters Pamela and Paola, also known as the “Iron Twins” are both Miami based personal trainers. “Being twins we always have that healthy competition, always trying to beat each other,” Pamela told Truly. Having started their fitness journey in their early 30s, the sisters initially specialised in crossfit. However, since having had their children, they have now added pre and postnatal exercising to their list of expertise. Both Pamela and Paola have a 3-year-old son, falling pregnant at the same time. 10 months ago Pamela had another daughter, and she’s now working hard on getting back into shape.

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