This Bachelor Contestant Has A Very Famous Parent
Jan 05 2021
Matt James' season of The Bachelor premiered on Monday, January 4th. But even before the episode aired, we knew some interesting things about the ladies vying for the first Black Bachelor's heart. For instance, the 32 women, who were chosen from all across the country, range in age from 21 to 32, and list their careers on their ABC bios as everything from realtor, to photographer, to professional ballerina.

It seems many of the women may have natural connections with James, given their readiness for relationships, interests, hobbies, and jobs. But among the field, one woman who is hoping to connect with the 28-year-old North Carolina native has something others do not — and that's a very famous parent.

Kit Keenan is 21, and also happens to be the daughter of the iconic fashion designer Cynthia Rowley. The world renowned fashion maven, whose line includes womenswear, accessories, shoes, cosmetics, perfume, handbags, and even eyewear, is worth a jaw-dropping $100 million given her success in the industry since the late 1980s.

Keenan herself is already embedded in the fashion world, helming a brand aptly called KIT, according to People magazine.

Clearly, Keenan grew up with quite a bit of privilege — her mom is said to own two and possibly three New York City properties — and in fact, according to her ABC bio, the blonde beauty still lives at home with her parents in the West Village. Keenan told Vanity Fair in 2016,

"While I'm still living at home, it's really cool to like, be able to hang out with my parents as much as possible before I go out and have my own life."

The talented young woman is also said to be finishing her last year of undergrad at New York University. She acknowledges she has high standards for relationships, and wants to find someone who is, quote, "genuine, open, and honest" with a high degree of emotional intelligence.

Her appearance on The Bachelor this season will not be Keenan's first foray into media or fame — Screen Rant dubbed her as quite a successful Instagram influencer already.

A quick look at her account reveals that her more than 46,000 followers enjoy seeing her fashion-showcasing pics, as well as beauty, fitness, and lifestyle tips — including healthy recipes, and exercises for maintaining her physique.

Meanwhile, in addition to finishing college and running her own fashion line, Keenan also currently hosts a podcast called Ageless with Rowley. In the show's official description, Keenan and her mother explained,

"We explore fashion, business, wellness, and motherhood through the lens of our adventures around the world."

She appeared in a short film called Shredding in Heels, which featured her ability to surf in stilettos. And yes, the heels were made by Cynthia Rowley, naturally.

James has shared Instagram posts featuring himself surfing — so could theirs be a love destined from the start? Probably too soon to tell, and yet, the would-be couple seem to have a lot in common, including a passion for staying fit and a dedication to nonprofit work.

It's worth noting Keenan's Bachelor bio also notes she feels incredibly mature despite her young age, and is ready for a serious commitment. We'll see if she hits it off with James soon enough — and he should be warned that she's not into guys who wear flip flops.

#TheBachelor #BachelorNation

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