What All Happy Couples Really Do Before Going To Bed
Jan 06 2021
Happy couples can benefit from implementing nighttime routines before going to bed. Here are some tried and true bedtime rituals that couples employ to keep their relationships in great shape. But it is important to remember that building successful routines takes time.

Many people are addicted to smartphones — so many, in fact, that it's considered an epidemic. Whether we're scrolling through feeds or looking at emails, smartphones aren't conducive to sleep for many reasons. According to Sleep.org, the light emitted from the screens suppresses the production of melatonin, a helpful component to a good night's rest. Cell phones can also wake us up with alerts throughout the night.

In addition to disrupting our sleep, cell phones also cause us to lose quality time with our loved ones. One study from Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business set out to determine the effect of "Phubbing," or "partner phone snubbing," on relationships. According to James A. Roberts, Ph.D.,

"What we discovered was that when someone perceived that their partner phubbed them, this created conflict and led to lower levels of reported relationship satisfaction."

This, in turn, could lead to personal life dissatisfaction and even depression.

Watch the video to find out what all happy couples really do before going to bed.

#HappyCouples #RelationshipGoals #InTheBedroom

Ditch the smartphones | 0:00

Leave disagreements outside the bedroom | 1:18

Cuddle before going to bed | 2:01

A regular routine | 3:13

Joint decision on TV | 3:55

Chat before going to bed | 4:31

Clean up the bedroom | 5:23

Leave work outside the bedroom | 6:19

Sleep at the same time | 7:00

Cook and eat dinner together | 7:43

Massages before bed | 8:30

Get intimate before bed | 9:27

Go for a stroll | 10:19

No pets or kids | 11:00

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