2020 Year in Review in 180 SECONDS
Jan 20 2021
180 Seconds. A man travels six months into the past to warn himself not to get fat during the pandemic shutdown.

Written, Produced, Directed and Starring

Perry Strong (NY)

Director of photography (Remote)

John Orphan (LA)


Erich Hoberg (ATL)

Visual Effects

Rachel Garcia-Dunn (LA)

Sound Mixer/Editor/Designer

Michael Gassert (NY)

Executive producers

Jason Madoch

Perry Strong III

Samantha Stoller

Jake Goldberger

Ricardo Sarmiento

Dylan Kessler

Associate producer:

Eleana Kouneli

Production Designer



Erich Hoberg

John Orphan

Camera operator:

Perry Strong

Web Designer:

Erin Miller


Joe Trentacosta

Social Media Consultant:

Anna Anderson

Twitter @likeagirlproductions

End credits song

"Music For Mass Shooters” By Mandom!

& Perry Strong

Listen to MANDOM! on Itunes, Spotify, Bandcamp, and most other music services

Special thanks

Gil Fortis

Frank Queris

Max Cavanaugh

Keight Greller

Niles Roth

Jake Goldberger

Benjamin Zimbric

Liz Minot

Mike Mason

Anthony Placet

Max Newman

Tara Donahue

Chris Carley

Aaron Walker

Brian Morris

Christian Laidlaw

Jason Madoch

Brendan McCafferty

Very Special Thanks:

Dr. Omer Tipu

Dr. Bafar Ehdaie

Dr. Jacob Khurgin

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