Rachel McAdams' Transformation Is Seriously Turning Heads
Feb 14 2021
Rachel McAdams grew up thinking that she'd end up running children's theater in Canada, but instead she became a Hollywood icon. In the process, she's also managed to forge a unique path that suits her lifestyle. Keep watching to witness her stunning transformation.

McAdams' upbringing sounds nothing short of idyllic. She grew up the eldest of three children in the town of St. Thomas in Ontario, Canada. By all accounts, her family were regular people. Her mom was a nurse and her dad was a truck driver. They spent their summers doing plenty of stereotypically Canadian activities, from swimming in the Great Lakes to sledding in the woods and playing in the snow. McAdams loved sports and has even described herself as a bit of a jock. She talked about her upbringing with Stylist, noting,

"[My parents] have always treated each other with a lot of kindness, so that was a great thing to watch. They are both worker bees and passed on a work ethic. They weren’t strict but we were expected to pull our weight and be independent."

In 2011, she talked about how inspiring her parents are by revealing to the Independent, saying

"They are still together and still in love. I'm very blessed that way. I had a great example of love in front of me, and that's probably what makes me such a romantic, because I've seen it firsthand."

Watch this video for Rachel McAdams' transformation that is seriously turning heads!

#Actress #Transformation #RachelMcAdams

Growing up in Canada | 0:17

Catching the acting bug | 1:19

Becoming a household name | 2:24

Hollywood takes note | 3:35

Taking a break | 4:40

Globetrotting | 5:33

Passion for the planet | 6:30

Taking on a range of roles | 7:35

Joining the force | 8:21

Embracing motherhood | 9:22

Staying grounded | 10:29

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