Kayleigh McEnany Says Something About Rush Limbaugh's Death
Feb 18 2021
Radio personality Rush Limbaugh's death from lung cancer has shocked the airwaves. A conservative political commentator since 1988, Limbaugh's passing has led many well-known Republican figures to speak about the controversial figure's impact on their lives. The radio host's program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, was vastly influential to right-wing media, shaping conservative talking points throughout the United States. Unsurprisingly, Kayleigh McEnany, Republican political commentator, strategist, and former White House press secretary, expressed her deepest sympathies for Limbaugh upon hearing about his death.

On Twitter, McEnany made her shock and disbelief at Limbaugh's death clear, describing how important the radio host was in shaping her values. She tweeted,

"Rush Limbaugh had unrelenting boldness to proclaim the truth. Watching his wit, passion, and willingness to hold the media accountable informed my entire career."

McEnany's career has spanned jobs in the media at Fox News and CNN, as well as in the White House..

Kayleigh McEnany referenced her own upbringing in Florida while mourning Limbaugh. In her tweet, she said,

"Growing up in Plant City, Florida, my dad would always play the Rush Limbaugh program in his pick-up truck."

Even growing up as a teenager, McEnany continued to listen to Limbaugh on her own time. She continued her tweet with:

"My fellow classmates from my all girls Catholic school knew if they road [sic] in my car, we would be listening to Rush Limbaugh."

McEnany said that Limbaugh's actions will be remembered by many, saying that, quote, "There are tens of thousands of us all across the conservative movement" that will continue to honor him. She continued,

"He has built a legacy that will endure for many generations to come and will continue to inform our country."

#RushLimbaugh #KayleighMcEnany #Media

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