Heartbreaking Details About Clint Eastwood's Ex-Girlfriend
Feb 18 2021
For some casual movie fans, little is known about Sondra Locke beyond her connection to Clint Eastwood, her long-term boyfriend and frequent collaborator. She overcame a lot in her career and personal life, but her legacy is forever tied to the name of her former significant other.

As a young woman, Sondra Locke had dreams of becoming an actor, but her family dissuaded her.

In her autobiography, The Good, the Bad and the Very Ugly, Locke recalled a rift growing between her and her mother for years, culminating in a fight at 19 years old when her mother told her to pack her bags and leave if she wasn't up for doing as she was told. So, Locke took her idea and did just that.

Locke would never truly reconcile with her parents, but she had no regrets, explaining in her memoir -

"Even though it is my nature to feel responsible and guilty, even when I'm not, remarkably I never felt that way about my decision to walk away from my parents' home."

Watch the video for more Heartbreaking Details About Clint Eastwood's Ex-Girlfriend.

#SondraLocke #Actors #Celebs

An unsupportive family | 0:00

Prince Charming | 1:01

No kids | 2:28

Sondra's friends | 3:39

Going to court | 4:40

The memoir | 5:41

Misogyny in the industry | 6:55

Illness | 7:54

Locke's legacy | 8:53

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