This Is How Jennifer Aniston Stays In Great Shape
Feb 20 2021
TV legend Jennifer Aniston is now admired as much for her acting as she is for her incredible physique. She is committed to a healthy body and mind through a rigorous mix of exercise programs, nutrition, and consistency. This is how Jennifer Aniston stays so fit.

Jennifer Aniston is committed to working out. Like, really committed. In 2012, she told InStyle:

"I work out almost every day, at least five or six days a week. I do 40 minutes of cardio: spinning, running, the elliptical, or a combination of all three. Then I do Pilates one day a week, and I do yoga in addition to that, three days a week."

She told Well + Good in 2018:

"Keeping your body confused is always the key for me."

So, Aniston will do a spin-yoga class one day, then she'll go to the gym and get in some strength training or cardio, quote, "just to change things up."

She explained:

"It's really good to get sprints in, to get in that interval training, because it's monotonous to do one pace."

One of Aniston's personal trainers, Leyon Azubuike, told Women's Health in 2020 just how diverse her workouts are, noting:

"We box, we jump rope, we do strength training, we do a lot of work with resistance bands [...] We rotate these things so it's always hard, she's consistently being challenged."

Watch the video for more about How Jennifer Aniston Stays In Great Shape!

#JenniferAniston #Fitness #Celebs

Mixing up workouts | 0:00

Ding ding ding | 1:17

She's game | 2:11

Natural athlete | 3:15

Endorphin rush | 4:17

Aniston arms | 5:19

Diet, fasting, cheating | 6:15

Aniston's daily intake | 6:58

Self-care | 7:32

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