My Girlfriend Acts Like A Dog - And I Like It | LOVE DON'T JUDGE
Mar 11 2021
MEET the couple giving new meaning to the phrase ‘puppy love’! Jenna, 21, and her partner Lorenzo, 30, from Austin, Texas, have broken the internet with their TikTok "puppy play" videos, in which she can be seen drinking from a bowl on the floor, jumping into a river while playing fetch, and ripping up his slippers - or being walked on her leash. Jenna says she has enjoyed acting like a dog since she was a small child and loves entering the mental zone of "puppy space". She said: "I never leave the house without my collar, I feel most comfortable on my leash. Even if no-one in the world knew my name, I would do this anyway." Jenna met her current “owner” Lorenzo at a photo shoot last year and the pair have been inseparable ever since. But while Jenna’s videos have attracted an army of loyal fans, her canine ways have received some intense backlash from some quarters online, with people treating her puppy play as a sign of mental illness or telling her to "blink twice if you are being held hostage". However, the couple have no plans to change their lifestyle any time soon. As Jenna said: “I would say that Lorenzo is the best owner I could ever ask for. He cares for me, I feel like the luckiest pup at the shelter.”

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