Jon And Kate's Kids: Where Do They All Live Now?
Mar 19 2021
Jon & Kate Plus 8 debuted in 2007, featuring a family of toddler sextuplets, and their older twin sisters. Over a decade later — and after a bitter divorce — the family appears to be thriving amidst the drama. So what's up with Collin, Joel, Aaden, Hannah, Alexis, Leah, Cara and Mady now? Here's what we know about the Gosselin gang!

Before TLC cameras started rolling in the Gosselin house, capturing every tantrum and marital spat, Jon and Kate Gosselin only recorded special occasions like their wedding day in 1999. Kate told Good Housekeeping in 2008,

"Life was a lot more simple back then, that's for sure! But not as fulfilling as our lives today!"

The couple met at a corporate picnic at a hotel where Jon was working. Kate had agreed to go with a friend, recalling,

"There was this guy walking across the grass […] he caught my attention. I was like, 'I'm not leaving here today until I meet him.' […] We were the couple that people always said, like, we were sickening sweet."

But as fans know, the couple would later succumb to the stress of starring on a reality show with 8 young children.

Watch the video to find out where Jon and Kate's kids all live now.

#JonandKatePlus8 #TLC #RealityTV

Back in the day | 0:00

Jon and Kate separate | 1:11

Custody battle | 2:04

Drama over Collin | 3:13

Collin's allegations | 4:33

College coeds | 5:14

Sweet sixteen | 6:14

Kate's financial struggles | 7:05

Jon's health scare | 8:25

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