The Shady Side Of Kamala Harris
Mar 22 2021
Politics means compromise -- sometimes to your roots, but has the first female vice president in U.S. history overshot? This is the shady side of Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris' journey to political prominence initially began after she graduated from The University of California’s Hastings College of the Law - with a JD in 1989. She famously attended Howard University for her undergrad degree The future vice president took her first job as a deputy district attorney in Oakland, California in 1990, serving until 1998.

But Harris' career may have started in earnest when in 1994 she met the powerful California politician and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who was, quote, "a notorious womanizer," according to the San Francisco Weekly. Harris was 29, Brown 60 and married, although, according to the debunking website Snopes, he had been estranged from his wife for more than a decade. He was powerful in bay-area politics, and the two began dating. Brown was also allegedly corrupt, his office under investigation by the FBI, and Harris eventually dumped her aging lover. Still, when she ran for District Attorney in 2003, Brown put his weight behind her anyway.

Harris won, but, according to Politico,

"Critics — including her opponents — were bemoaning cronyism at City Hall."

Once in office, Harris threw Brown under the bus. The ambitious young politician declared her benefactor all but dead, saying,

"His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing."

Politico branded Harris as, quote, "ruthless."

Watch the video for more about The Shady Side Of Kamala Harris!

#KamalaHarris #Politics #VP

'Ruthless' | 0:00

Did Harris plagiarize MLK? | 1:33

No weed | 2:51

Criminal justice reform? | 4:12

Jailing the innocent | 05:51

Jailing the poor | 7:07

Harris lied about Honest Abe | 8:26

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