Jessie James Decker Can’t Believe Daughter Is 7: ‘It Goes By So Fast’
Mar 27 2021
Time for some fun in the sun! Jessie James Decker joined Kit Hoover on Access Daily to give all the details about her now 7-year-old daughter’s birthday party with the family in Orlando, Florida. The country-pop star gushed about her growing baby girl saying, “Within a few days of already being seven, it’s just, maybe it’s just because she turned seven, but it just feels like she’s already older and already more mature… The good news is she’s still missing her two front teeth, so she still looks very young and youthful and my little girl, but everyone is right, you do blink and it goes by so fast. I feel like I just had that baby girl.” Jessie has recently release a clothing line with the Juicy Couture collection called “Kittenish” which is available now.

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