How Princess Diana Made The Clutch Bag Iconic
Mar 28 2021
The Story Behind Princess Diana’s Clutch Bags..

Throughout the life of Lady Diana Spencer, who later became Princess Diana of Wales, she was almost always seen carrying a clutch bag.

Diana’s massive collection of clutches was more than impressive. The princess has a bag to match or complement every gown for every gala, event, and public appearance. But what some fans don’t know, is that Diana’s clutches actually had a secret, double purpose.

Princess Diana and the royal family’s lives are anything but private. They are constantly followed by the press and paparazzi. When Diana was at the height of her royal career in the mid-80s to early 90s, she would use her clutches as a way to escape the flashes of the cameras.

Diana used her clutch bags to shield her face from photographers. When getting in and out of vehicles, she would hold her bag up to her dress to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions that would undoubtedly cause international headlines.

Princess Diana struggled with mental health, but for most of her life, the world never knew. Until she revealed her struggles publicly, people only saw the glamorous, elegant People’s Princess, with her extensive wardrobe of beautiful gowns and evening bags.

As we now begin to learn more about the devastating effects of media, press, and paparazzi, the world is also becoming more sensitive to issues surrounding mental health. Everyone deserves access to help when they need it.

Written by: Lori N.

Narrated by: LanessaVO

Edited by: Steven Suñe

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