Tiny 31-Inch Boy With Primordial Dwarfism Defies Doctors | BORN DIFFERENT
Mar 30 2021
A FIVE-YEAR-OLD boy with a rare form of dwarfism has defied doctors' predictions that he would never walk. Jonathan Kremer, from Hadamar, Germany, is one of only 200 people worldwide with Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Type 1 (MOPD1). Tiny Jonathan stands at only 80cm (31.5 inches) tall and has the prominent eyes and nose characteristic of the condition. Doctors told Simone that he would never learn to crawl or walk or even reach his first birthday. But after connecting with specialists on MOPD1 from the Walking With Giants Foundation and learning more about the condition, Simone is now the founder of the 'Walking with Giants Germany', an organisation bringing together the families of those suffering from primordial dwarfism in Germany - and Jonathan is a happy little boy playing on his stroller and riding horses as part of his riding therapy.

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