Justin Bieber Explains Reasoning Behind the 'MLK Interlude' on 'Justice' I Billboard News
Mar 31 2021
Justin Bieber is explaining his reasoning for the controversial addition of the "MLK interlude" on his new album 'Justice.' In late February, the pop star explained the reasoning behind naming his album, 'Justice,' saying that he wanted to play “a smart part” in discussing what justice looks like for many Black Americans. In an interview with Bieber Nation on Clubhouse, the Canadian superstar explained, "Being Canadian... they didn't teach us about Black history. It was just not a part of our education system." Bieber also alluded to this contributing to him “growing up uneducated and making insensitive jokes,” and he wanted “to share this raw moment of Martin Luther King in a time where he knew he was going to die for what he stood up for."

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