I Waited 10 Years For My Prisoner Husband - Then He Got Deported | LOVE DON’T JUDGE
Apr 08 2021
Having met her husband two years into a 13-year prison sentence for attempted murder, Carla, 30, and Erik Aguirre, 31, from California, were understandably excited to be reunited on the outside - having spent only around 50 days of their decade-long relationship together. But their joy was short-lived as on the day of his release Erik was sent to an immigration detention centre, before being deported back to his native Mexico - a country he hadn’t lived in since the age of 10. The couple now live together in Tijuana, Mexico and say that while the switch from 15-minute daily phone calls to 24:7 cohabitation took some adjusting to, they are now happily settled and planning a family together. Erik says that Carla’s love changed his outlook on life and the pair now share their lives on their YouTube channel, which Carla set up while Erik was incarcerated to help other people with family members or partners in jail.

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