What Most People Don't Know About DMX
Apr 14 2021
DMX has been a rap superstar since the '90s when his albums Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood and It's Dark and Hell Is Hot cemented his place in the music hall of fame. From his solo work to his collaborations, it's no wonder that AllMusic once called him "the undisputed reigning king of hardcore rap." His iconic guttural voice, unique sound, and strong persona all combined to make DMX truly one of a kind.

Sadly, DMX died on April 9, 2021 after a heart attack that some reports have attributed to a drug overdose. Though many details of his life are well-known to fans, there are some details of his life that most people still don't know.

Watch the video for things Most People Don't Know About DMX.

#DMX #HipHop #RIP

What does DMX stand for? | 0:00

Blessed with a curse | 1:21

Mental health | 2:08

Giving sermons, saving lives | 2:40

Negative net worth | 3:51

Enjoy yourself | 4:50

DMX's dogs | 5:53

Troubles with the law | 6:46

Retirement on hold | 7:53

Style and substance | 8:58

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