Adrien Brody and Director Paul Solet on ‘Clean’ and Why It Was a Dream Role for Brody
Jun 19 2021
One of the many films to world premiere at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival was director Paul Solet’s Clean. Co-written by Solet and Adrien Brody, the film is about a man (Brody) with a violent and criminal past still trying to overcome the loss of his daughter. To keep his life on track, he spends nights collecting trash and his days cleaning up the neighborhood. But when a young girl that reminds him of his daughter is put in danger, he’s forced to decide how much of his dark past will be allowed to come back. Clean also stars Glenn Fleshler, Richie Merritt, Chandler Air-DuPont, Mykelti Williamson, RZA, Michelle Wilson, and John Bianco.

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