WTF Things Britney Won't Have To Deal With After Her Conservatorship
Jul 03 2021
Britney Spears is finally speaking up and proving to the world that she’s stronger than yesterday.


A lot of us have loved Britney since we were kids and she’s moved people to tears with her performances and now, with her story. On June 23rd, Britney Spears had a virtual court appearance and in her appearance, she told the world about everything she’s experienced in her 13 year conservatorship. Her conservatorship started in 2008, shortly after her very public meltdown that shocked millions. Britney was struggling with her mental health and the pressures that were put on her and in 2008, her father, Jamie Spears filed to petition for a “temporary” (Yeah, okay.) conservatorship. But 13 years later, she’s still fighting for her life back.

Britney mentioned in her very emotional statement that she was forced to tour, even when she was sick. She mentioned that she was forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money every month for rehabilitation treatments that she never wanted. And she even opened up about her conservatorship keeping her from making her own decisions about her body and whether or not she can have children. It was heartbreaking and surely hard for her to speak about. But she finally did and we couldn’t be more proud!


0:00 INTRO

0:48 Beginning Of Her Conservatorship

3:14 How They Controlled Her Life

4:47 Britney Speaking up

7:19 Support

7:38 Freedom

8:45 END

Written by: Shatece Haynes

Narrated by: Natalie Rankin

Edited by: Fabian T.

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