Controversial Pets Stars Gave Away
Sep 03 2021
Celebrities! They're just like the rest of us, right? Maybe. But when they start buying wildly expensive and oftentimes illegal exotic animals, they feel like they're from another planet. Celebs, like regular folks, love their pets, but they're a bit extra about it, even when the animals are just cats and dogs. After all, money and fame can make you do some pretty unconventional things, like taking home emus, chimps, peacocks, and tigers — oh my. Whether these stars weren't ready for a forever-friend, or they were forced to return an illegal animal, here are the controversial pets celebs gave away.

#Pets #Stars #Controversial

Beyoncé's snake | 0:00

Michael Jackson's chimp | 1:03

Cheryl Hines' emu | 2:00

Khloe Kardashian's peacock | 2:59

Tyga's tiger cub | 3:59

Lena Dunham's dog | 4:54

Elvis Presley's menagerie | 5:53

Mike Tyson's tiger | 6:54

P!nk's dog | 8:02

Nicolas Cage's cobras | 8:42

Justin Bieber's monkey | 9:38

Chris Brown's monkey | 10:38

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