James McAvoy on Improvising His My Son Role and His Dark Materials Season 3
Sep 24 2021
Every once in a while you see a movie that sounds like it will not work on paper but absolutely does. Director Christian Carion’s My Son is the latest example. The film stars James McAvoy as a father who reunites with his ex-wife (Claire Foy) to try and find answers after their seven-year-old son goes missing from a campsite in the Highlands of Scotland. But what makes My Son so unique is that McAvoy was not given a script and had to react and improvise to each moment as it happened. Obviously, director Christian Carion knew where it was going as did the cast and crew, but when you watch McAvoy asking questions, nothing is scripted. While this could easily have resulted in a disaster of a film, My Son absolutely works and you’d never know everything that happens wasn’t scripted in advance.

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