From Male Model To Beach Babe | HOOKED ON THE LOOK
Sep 29 2021
LEXI LUCKS’ beach babe look cost her $200,000. Lexi, 35, of Los Angeles, California, was assigned male at birth and realised she was trans when she was about six years old. Before she transitioned, Lexi worked as a male model including doing hair modelling. Lexi began transitioning six years ago and has since had a number of surgeries and procedures to achieve her ‘beach babe’ look including; two boob jobs, rhinoplasty, forehead shave, filler, botox, chin job and slight jaw shave. Lexi wanted the results to look natural and explained that is why they were more expensive. Lexi told Truly: “My beach babe look cost me $200,000.” While Lexi feels she is done with major cosmetic surgery, she said she will never be done with more minor ‘nip and tucking’. Lexi’s mum Andrea thinks her daughter looks stunning as she is - so how will she react when Lexi tells her she plans on having more procedures done today?

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