Meet Trig Palin, Sarah Palin's Son
Sep 30 2021
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin skyrocketed to national prominence in 2008 when Republican presidential nominee John McCain selected her as his running mate. In addition to her political views, Palin's large family also drew tons of attention. And they've stayed in the public eye since, with a reality show, appearances on Fox News and headlines about the family swirling.

Palin's daughter, Bristol, and her husband, Todd, whom she divorced in 2020, have particularly been in the news. But what about her youngest son, Trig, who was born in April 2008 with Down syndrome? Palin kept her pregnancy secret for months, and has largely kept Trig out of the spotlight ever since. Meet Trig Palin, Sarah Palin's son.

#SarahPalin #Son #Family

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