I Lost 205lbs For My Dream Barbie Figure | BRAND NEW ME
Oct 02 2021
KAYLA has completely transformed her body over the past two years by dropping an incredible 205lbs. Kayla was always a bigger child and was diagnosed with a thyroid condition which was one of the main reasons why she would gain weight so easily. At her heaviest Kayla weighed 342lbs and admits that her relationship with food was very unhealthy. She told Truly: "I would indulge in pasta, I was raised Italian, my dad's Italian, so all the carbs; pastas, breads, pizza you name it. My snack was always chips. I could demolish a whole family size bag in one sitting." Despite the difficulties that she faced with her weight she had one passion that got her through the tough times - Barbie. "My love for Barbie stemmed from a young age. I was a kid going to doctors and dieticians and as a reward, my parents got me a Barbie as I always loved her and lived vicariously through Barbie." Everything changed for Kayla when she boarded a plane to LA in order to visit her sister. Kayla said: "I needed two seats and a seatbelt extender, walking through the aisle of the plane I couldn't even fit going sideways, I was bumping into everybody. It was rough and mentally depressing but it was the 'kick in the butt' I needed to change my lifestyle." With a lot of hard work including her incredibly intense daily workouts, gastric sleeve surgery and diet change, Kayla has now achieved the body she always wanted and is busy living her best life.

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