Strange Things The Queen Surprisingly Never Travels Without
Oct 09 2021
Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning sovereign in British history (and for our part, we hope her reign continues as long as possible!), and by this time she's certainly developed a well-worn travel routine. Traveling engagements continue to be among the Queen's most frequent duties, and as such she requires a reliable travel process involving specific luggage, nutrition prep, and the help of a whole retinue of staff. Some of the Queen's travel habits might actually surprise you, especially an alcoholic beverage schedule cited by the Queen's cousin. Here are strange things the Queen surprisingly never travels without.

#QueenElizabeth #Royals #Travel

Some serious baggage | 0:00

Not your standard LBD | 0:49

Daily gin | 1:31

Afternoon tea | 2:27

Sealed toilet paper | 3:14

Numbered outfits | 3:54

Jet lag cure | 4:43

Her own blood supply | 5:28

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