The Real Reason Wife Swap Was Canceled
Dec 10 2021
Love it or hate it, there was a moment in early aughts cultural history when "Wife Swap" fever swept the nation. That is, until it didn't. For an original seven seasons, along with a celebrity spinoff, audiences couldn’t get enough of its family fish out of water drama.

Alas, even a 2019 reboot of the once successful series wasn't enough to keep the love going. So, while we pay our respects to the franchise and its trainwreck celebrity version, let's take a look at why all the cringe-y drama in the world couldn't keep this show alive. This is the real reason “Wife Swap” was canceled.

#WifeSwap #RealityTV #TVShow

Controversy | 0:00

Ratings slump | 1:39

Celebrity fakes | 2:41

Reboot | 3:47

End of an era | 4:43

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