Meghan Markle May Have Lied About Her Life With The Royals
Dec 11 2021
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex: to some she's a storybook heroine, but other commentators find her more divisive — or even deceptive.

Markle captured much international press attention over the last few years by marrying Prince Harry, joining the British royal family, and then leaving the firm in explosive fashion. Her revelations about the state of the royal family and her experience with it, with accusations of racism and a sense of members being trapped inside the system, shocked the world.

But is she telling the truth about it all? Or just telling a version of the truth that makes her out to be the hero? It's a controversial topic. Here's why some experts think Meghan Markle may have lied about her life with the royals.

#MeghanMarkle #Royals #RoyalFamily

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