The Truth About Dave Bautista's Complicated Personal Life
Dec 12 2021
Dave Bautista has had a crazy life by any standard. Growing up in poverty, with the constant threat of violence all around him, the young Bautista experienced grief and trauma that many of us can't even imagine. Tall and athletic by nature, Bautista nonetheless rose out of his circumstances and became successful as a professional wrestler, despite an innate shyness which he still experiences to this day. From there, he rose into prominence in the movies, and is now a household name thanks to his role in the MCU. Now in his 50's, Bautista doesn't seem to be slowing down, and is able to remain physically imposing, while also committing himself to compassionate political causes. This is the truth about Dave Bautista's complicated personal life.

#DaveBautista #Actor #Wrestler

Dave Bautista's dangerous childhood | 0:00

Bautista's education was curtailed | 1:18

Bautista's criminal record | 2:24

Dysfunction in the Bautista family | 3:32

Bautista's money woes | 4:34

More than just a hunk | 5:42

Struggling to stay healthy | 6:45

Is there a Mrs. Bautista? | 7:39

Bautista on the second amendment | 8:28

Bautista online | 9:22

The story behind the sunglasses | 10:39

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