The Truth About Lou Dobbs Revealed
Dec 13 2021
Lou Dobbs is one of the most recognizable faces in conservative TV. The former Fox Business Network host has been on the air since the mid-‘70s, having gotten his start in local news in Phoenix, Arizona. By 1980, he was helping to launch CNN, of all networks, hosting its business news show “Moneyline.”

But it was with Fox where Dobbs truly made his home. From 2011 to 2021, he hosted “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” a political and financial talk show that was, at one time, Fox Business’ highest rated program. It was also where Dobbs got himself into plenty of hot water. Keep watching: we’ve got the truth about Lou Dobbs revealed.

#LouDobbs #Conservative #FoxNews

High net worth | 0:00

Close with Donald Trump | 1:17

Radicalized by 9/11 | 2:32

Accused of misreporting facts | 3:32

Thought about running for office | 4:34

Did not like Barack Obama | 5:37

His home was attacked | 7:03

Forced out of Fox | 8:03

Enjoying semi-retirement | 9:13

Called a hypocrite | 10:08

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