The Tragic Truth About Lisa Marie Presley
Dec 17 2021
Lisa Marie Presley is the daughter of rock music royalty; her father was none other than Elvis Aaron Presley, the king of rock n' roll. Despite this pedigree, Lisa Marie's life has often been, by most accounts, unstable and troubled. From romantic partnerships that never seem to work out to drug addiction to the loss of a child, Presley's path through life has been littered with difficulties. Surprisingly, even being a beneficiary to her father's massive estate, Presley faced bankruptcy in the fairly recent past. You'll have to watch the video to find out the unfortunate details. This is the tragic truth about Lisa Marie Presley.

#LisaMariePresley #ElvisPresley #Celebrities

Parents divorced when she was 4 | 0:00

Elvis died when she was 9 | 1:20

Few memories of her parents together | 2:22

First marriage ended in divorce | 3:08

Marriage to Michael Jackson | 4:17

Divorce from Michael Jackson | 5:21

Short marriage to Nicolas Cage | 6:25

Marriage to Michael Lockwood | 7:19

Dealt with drug addiction | 8:12

Revealed she was in major debt | 9:14

Lost her only son in 2020 | 10:16

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