Royals Who Lost Their Fortune
Dec 20 2021
Being born into a royal family means you're set for life, doesn't it? Well, not always. Every once in a while, someone who is born into royalty can find themselves considerably less wealthy, deposed from power altogether, or, in the worst case, on the wrong end of a guillotine.

So what's it like to go from being one of the most powerful people in the world with the coffers of a country at your disposal to having considerably fewer resources? There are a few examples, ranging from centuries ago to today, that illustrate the experience. These are some of the royals who lost their fortune.

#Royals #RoyalFortune #RoyalFamily

Marie Antoinette | 0:00

Princess Mako | 1:33

King Constantine II | 2:40

Princess Delphine Saxe-Coburg | 3:57

The Romanovs | 5:02

King Edward VIII | 6:11

King Moshoeshoe II | 7:33

Prince Harry | 8:58

The British royal family | 10:26

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