Fashion Trends That Will Completely Take Over 2022
Dec 21 2021
The last two years have been a blur of all-day sweatpants, Zoom meetings, and whichever pair of shoes happens to be closest to the front door. But 2022 promises to be a better year, one in which we can dress up or down, mix and match, and play with fashion again.

2022 designer collections have been filled with new and interesting trends, while simultaneously repackaging looks of old into something fresh and exciting. If you're curious about how to transform the runway into wearable style, look no further. From puffer coats to sequins, these are the fashion trends that will completely take over 2022.

#FashionTrends #Style #2022

Puffer coats | 0:00

Oversized blazer or suit | 1:05

Wide-leg and flared pants | 1:46

Fringe | 2:41

Bold and bright colors | 3:14

Catsuits instead of coveralls | 4:03

Classy cutouts | 4:47

Bras as shirts | 5:37

Wear a beret | 6:27

Pearl accessory | 7:04

Knitwear | 7:37

Pleated and plaid skirts | 8:15

Sequins add sparkle | 8:49

Loafers | 9:38

Micro-mini skirts | 10:28

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