Signs Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson Weren't Going To Make It
Feb 02 2022
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson were a royal couple like no other, which might be why their marriage wasn't meant to last. Married in 1986, the couple divorced ten years later, with their relationship the constant subject of media scrutiny.

Looking back, it's no surprise that this royal relationship was headed for trouble. From their too-short courtship to the startling amount of time Prince Andrew spent away from home, allegedly once missing an entire pregnancy, it would be more shocking if they'd actually made it.

Though there are rumors that the two have reconciled in recent years, it's never been more clear why their initial go at marriage didn't work. These are all the signs Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson weren't going to make it.

#PrinceAndrew #SarahFerguson #Royals

Signs of trouble? | 0:00

A short courtship | 0:44

Not so inseparable? | 1:26

Did Fergie stray? | 2:03

Wanting to work? | 2:40

Too sensitive? | 3:21

Better friends than lovers? | 3:58

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