Will My Date See Past My Facial Difference? | DATING DIFFERENT
Feb 09 2022
JUSTIN STEWART was born with frontonasal dysplasia, a rare disorder that affects one's development of the head and face before birth. As a teenager, Justin often felt insecure about his facial difference - but the 21-year-old is now building a thriving career as a model in New York because of his unique facial features. He also works as a basketball coach and content creator raising awareness for his condition. Justin told Truly: "I just try my best to use my platform and to be an advocate for people around the world that have the same condition as me." Justin’s first serious relationship ended a few months ago and he is ready to be back in the dating game again. He admits that it's been a struggle to find a woman who truly sympathises with his experience as someone with a facial condition. Today he is going on a blind date with Nana - a 27-year-old fashion blogger and photography lover. Neither Justin nor Nana have any idea about the other person who will be sitting across the table - will these two hit it off?

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