Cancer Took My Jaw | SHAKE MY BEAUTY
Mar 01 2022
DIAGNOSED with a rare form of cancerous tumour at just nine years old, now 32-year-old Sonya has gone through major surgeries to remove most of her jaw. The condition, Ameloblastoma, usually originates on the jaw, as in Sonya's case. Her first symptoms were swelling on her face, uncontrollable tics and tooth pain. Throughout her life, she has gone through at least eight different surgical procedures to remove the tumour. Her biggest surgery to date was in 2018, when most of her jaw was completely removed. After surgery, she had to re-learn the most basic things such as eating, swallowing liquids and talking. Although she struggled with her new appearance at first, today Sonya feels more confident than ever thanks to the support of her family and friends.

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